LEROY SOMMER 500 kW Gaz Generator - WAUKHESHA Motor (Natural Gaz) (Ref : RPL6XB)

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Installation used for production of electricity up to 473 kW/hr The system is based on a large natural gaz powered engine of 500 kW capacity, 12 cylinders. This engine drives an AC generator able to output 473 kW electricity, based on 10.000 V output. Both are directly coupled, on same bench. The delivery includes: - WAUKESHA 12-cylinder gaz operated motor 500 kW, Model L5108G - LEROY SOMMER Electrical Generator 592 kVA, Type I.SA 54 S4-6P - Electrical panel ABB to control installation The unit has been used in Germany for a public services. It was used time to time, mainly during winter for production of hot water used in swimming pool and schools. Main motor is American brand. Generator is French Hours used : 41.200 Hrs. Starts : 2118 times